жанры: electronic, psytrance, psychedelic, trance
дата: 20 марта 2007
Vicious Delicious
Infected Mushroom
жанры: electronic, psytrance, psychedelic, trance
дата: 20 марта 2007
Это интересно:
Vicious Delicious was released on March 26, 2007. The cover art was done by David Ho. The album was originally scheduled to be released on 6/6/06, but the release date was postponed because promotion had not begun far enough in advance.
Vicious Delicious has a somewhat different sound than that of other Infected Mushroom albums. The track "Artillery" epitomizes this change in sound, being the only hip-hop track on the album. The rest of the album contains music that can be described as an electronic hybrid of trance, psychedelic, and rock.
Тексты песен из этого альбома:
- 1.Becoming Insane★★★★★☑☑
- 2.Artillery★★★☑☑
- 3.Vicious Delicious★★★☑☑
- 4.Suliman★★★☑☑
- 5.Forgive Me★★★☑☑
- 6.Special Place★★☑☐
- 7.In Front of Me★★★☑☑
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